Why Do Local Businesses Have To Worry About Content Marketing And How Should They Do It?

Jeff Riddall
7 min readApr 3, 2024
small business content marketing illustration
AI-generated image via Ideogram.ai

Preface to this Search Engine Journal article posted on August 16, 2023.

Since this publication, generative AI has expectedly continued to grow as have the pros and cons of using it to power content marketing initiatives.

Recently, Google gave a stern warning to content producers to not rely solely on AI-generated content via a helpful content update which severely punished many sites employing this approach. All businesses should heed this warning and be sure to inject their own unique experience, expertise and/or opinions into any content procured via AI-powered sources.

Content marketing, particularly of the digital variety, has become an increasingly popular item in modern marketers’ tool boxes. While many larger organizations have been quick to embrace content marketing strategies, smaller local businesses often underestimate its potential or remain unsure about its relevance to their operations.

This is particularly true considering the level of effort and time it has traditionally taken to produce content in its many forms; from blogs and social posts to podcasts and videos. Small business owners and managers may be unsure of content’s value and the return it will provide. They may be asking questions like, “Who has the time or wants to read, watch or listen to my content?”

However, as consumer behavior and search engine algorithms continue to evolve, content marketing, when done correctly and purposefully, can be an indispensable aspect of a local business’s overall success. Unique, relevant, entertaining content can set a local business apart amongst its other small local or big box competitors.

Let’s delve into the reasons why content marketing is crucial for local businesses and consider a few practical tips on how to implement effective content marketing strategies to boost brand awareness, establish online authority, engage customers and drive business growth.

Why Do Local Businesses Need Content Marketing?

Regardless the size of a business, there are a set of common business drivers content marketing can positively influence for those willing and able to employ it.

Establishing Local Authority

Content marketing offers local businesses the opportunity to position themselves as authorities in their respective industries and communities. By creating valuable and informative content, businesses can showcase their expertise, address common pain points, and provide solutions to their customers’ most pressing problems.

When consumers are able to find and reference helpful content from a local business, they will be more likely to trust and choose said business over its competitors who may not be providing the same. Establishing authority will naturally require a commitment to consistently creating high quality content customers will want to read, like and share.

While it takes time and requires patience to establish authority the payoff is high for businesses which become the go to source for answers to customer questions.

Enhancing Online Visibility

Organic search visibility is understandably key to any business’s long term success. Small business owners recognize the importance of showing up in search results when their customers are searching for their services.

Content marketing plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO), as Google and other search engines reward the EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness) it can create. By producing high-quality, keyword-rich content which resonates with their target audience, local businesses can improve their search engine rankings and appearance in Google Map results. It can be argued creating and posting content to a Google Business Profile (GBP) is as, if not more important, than any other type of content marketing a local business can do. Google rewards those businesses who are active and engaged with their audience via their GBP.

Driving Organic Traffic and Conversion

Organic search is a valuable traffic source for any local business as it tends to convert at a higher rate than traffic from other channels. As noted above, through content marketing efforts, businesses can create content targeting relevant keywords and addressing customer needs, thereby building their authority, enhancing their visibility and driving organic traffic to their website and Google Business Profile. While it takes time and requires patience to establish authority

Building Customer Relationships

Effective content marketing enables local businesses to engage and build lasting relationships with their customers. Social media posts, blog articles, email newsletters and videos can all be used to foster a sense of community and encourage two-way communication.

Responding to customer comments, questions, and reviews demonstrates a business cares about its customers, thus fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

Customer testimonials and case studies have the multiple effect of highlighting partner successes, building authority and establishing trust. It never hurts to make your happy customers feel special by putting them in the spotlight.

Nurturing the Sales Funnel

Content marketing enables businesses to guide potential customers through the sales funnel. By tailoring content to different stages of the buyer’s journey, businesses can attract leads, nurture them with informative content when they need it and eventually convert them into paying customers.

Educational content, product comparisons and customer success stories are some examples of content which can move prospects closer to making a purchase decision by supporting them with answers to questions they may have at each stage.

How Should Local Businesses Implement Content Marketing?

Having established an understanding of the “why” of content marketing for small businesses, the question is often “how” can businesses implement effective content marketing strategies, on top of the daily running of the business.

Know and Build Your Audience

The first step in any successful content marketing strategy is understanding the target audience. Local business owners or those they employ should identify their ideal customers, their preferences, pain points, interests and digital whereabouts.

This information will guide the creation of content to resonate with the intended audience, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Knowing where customers tend to “live” or visit online, either socially or otherwise, will also help to build an audience to which content can be targeted. Content shared into a void will not be read, liked or shared.

Develop a Content Plan

Consistency is key in content marketing. Local businesses should establish a well thought-out content plan including a content calendar, an outline of the types of content to be produced, the platforms it will be shared on, and the target publishing schedule. Planning content in advance helps to ensure the business remains organized and consistent in its messaging.

Create Your Unique Content

So, if content marketing has become so important everyone is starting to do it, how do local businesses differentiate their content from all the rest. This is certainly one of the dangers and challenges with the content explosion we’re all experiencing. But every business does have and should focus, where possible, on sharing their own stories and perspectives.

Leading digital marketing expert Mark Schaefer touches on this in a recent post titled “How to beat ChatGPT and the new wave of Content Shock.” The key to topical authority is expertise-backed advice, opinion and experience.

The key to topical authority is expertise-backed advice, opinion and experience.

We’ve alluded to the importance of case studies and customer success stories. Each piece of content should include whatever uniqueness a business can lend to it. It’s not enough to simply create content. It needs to be your content.

Diversify Content Formats

Different people prefer to consume content in a variety of formats. To cater to the broader audience, local businesses should diversify their content types. This may include blog posts, case studies, videos, podcasts or other formats. By doing so, businesses can keep their audience engaged and interested in what they have to offer.

Distribute Content via GBP

We’ve already discussed the importance of GBP to local businesses from a visibility perspective. However, GBP is also an important content distribution vehicle. Any digital content local businesses create should be shared within the context of a GBP post including a strong call to action linking back to this content wherever it may be hosted.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms can be powerful tools for content distribution and customer engagement for certain types of local businesses who take the time to build a following.

At a local level this should include identifying, following and supporting other local businesses and organizations who can help to boost your visibility. Partnering with local influencers or complementary businesses can help expand the business’s reach and credibility. Additionally, collaborations can introduce the business to new demographics, driving more foot traffic and online interactions.

Social media is effectively about community building and locally this simply becomes an extension of the physical community.

Sharing authoritative and/or entertaining content, engaging with followers/customers, sharing user-generated content, and running social media contests or promotions can boost brand awareness and foster a loyal customer base.

Monitor and Analyze Performance

The final, but crucial and ongoing step, in any effective content marketing initiative is performance monitoring to enable continuous improvement and understand ROI. Local businesses should track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website (and especially organic) traffic, conversion rates, social media engagement and customer feedback. This data can provide valuable insights into what content is resonating with the target audience and what areas need improvement.

Get Help As Needed

The challenge for many local businesses considering content marketing or digital marketing in general is the time, effort and know-how required to plan and execute these types of strategies.

Luckily, the growth in these areas has seen a similar influx in content marketing tools (including the recent rise in generative AI options like the aforementioned ChatGPT) and experience-based digital agency support.

In short, local businesses are not alone and should look to leverage the tools and people available to make the most of these opportunities; keeping in mind they still have to add their own unique perspective, when and wherever possible.

In Conclusion

Content marketing is a vital strategy local businesses should prioritize to thrive in today’s competitive digital marketplace. By focusing on creating valuable, relevant and engaging content, local businesses can establish themselves as local industry authorities, increase visibility, drive organic traffic, build lasting customer relationships and achieve sustainable business growth.

Implementing a successful content marketing strategy requires a clear understanding of the target audience, creating unique relevant content, consistent effort and a willingness to adapt and improve based on performance data.

By embracing content marketing and leveraging its potential, local businesses can effectively navigate the digital landscape and secure a strong foothold in their respective markets relative to their competition.



Jeff Riddall

Husband and father of two kidults with a head full of random words and such. Lover of sports, beer, food, long walks & dogs; not necessarily in this order.