Sleepy Saturday
Relax. Maybe even just lay there a while longer and soak in all the nothing you have to do today. Disclaimer: I realize for some, Saturday mornings can be as, if not more, frantic than their work week counterparts. But let’s just dream of kindler, gentler week’s end daybreaks.
In a recent highly unscientific survey, 9.48 out of 10 people told me they wished every morning was Saturday morning. Discuss…
Hello again Saturday mornin’…nice to make yer re-acquaintance.
Hey Saturday mornin’…nice ta cya…whatcha wanna do now?
Top o’ da mornin’ and wail away thru Saturday ya rebels.
Ahhh, celebrate the dawn of a fresh Saturday, aka What the hell are we doing up so early?
Oh sleep, how thou doth mock me…and on a freakin Saturday mornin’ no less whilst others embrace thee all around me…I mean, seriously?
Rise & shine….a couple of hours from now…it’s Saturday ya sillies.
Waking up a second time is a fine weekend notion..mornin’ again y’all. (posted literally 4 hours later)
Saturday, Sleep and Snooze..brought together conveniently for you today by the letter “S”…sounds simply sensible to us slackers.
Snoochy booches motherf’ers…u don’t need my permission, but make it a silly Saturday if ya wanna. (in honour of Jay and Silent Bob)
Doin the Saturday slow rise y’all…one foot, then the partner or music required…just a deep down unwillingness to move.
Hullo Saturday mornin’…quite pleased at yer late arrival since yer buddy Friday night overstayed his welcome.
Saturday suns up Cherubins. Fill yer mitts with pixie dust and sprinkle liberally over the bits o’ world needing it the most.
Yeah it’s Saturday, yeah yer tired, but no rest for the wicked. Just ask the dude with horns on yer right shoulder what he suggests…
Saturday mornin’ health PSA: Severe pseudostreptoLAZYitis outbreak warning. Do not fight symptoms. Treat with extended bed rest & hot cocoa.
Hope y’all don’t mind, but I politely, albeit sternly, asked Saturday morning to come back later.
Ssshhhh, it’s called the Saturday morning catchup. Snooze ya later.
Methinks it’s no coincidence Saturday, Sunday and Sleep all begin with the same soothing letter…
Up before the chickens on a Saturday is certainly unnatural and possibly immoral, but here we is, so let’s make the best of it.
More daily diatribes and a.m. exultations available on regular ol’ paper at or give me a follow on X, Threads or BlueSky to read ‘em and respond on the regular.