Practice Makes…

Jeff Riddall
2 min readSep 15, 2021
Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

Why the hell was I up so early? The clock is out of site, but you can tell by the degree of darkness you are no where near the time set on the alarm. Not that it matters, but which thing woke me up this time? A flash of light through the blinds, a real or phantom pain, an unnerving dream scene, a poke from one of my likewise restless companions or did I really just have to pee again? Regardless, I’m awake now and the upcoming day’s, week’s or other future events start spinning through my head. Even the words scribed here are bandied about a few dozen times, as if their rehearsal will somehow make them better or more effective. When they first described silence as deafening, I’m thinking this is exactly what they were referring to. The thoughts a raging river as uncontrollable as the events and situations they’re based on. This mindfulness they speak of says to sit back and watch them float by. Much easier said than done I contend. Methinks I need a bunch more practice. Ok, how about a few deep breaths? And now a few more. Find a rhythm and put your focus there. The river is still on your left, but the current subsides. And look, now there are even a bunch of buck-toothed black llamas to count over yonder. I don’t recall having seen them before. And now, what’s this? I’m on a flaming roller coaster with some indistinguishable dude from high school hurtling towards a cliff. Just then the alarm sounds. Think I’ll just lie here a sec more, cuz I got a bit of thinking to do…



Jeff Riddall

Husband and father of two kidults with a head full of random words and such. Lover of sports, beer, food, long walks & dogs; not necessarily in this order.