Jeff Riddall
2 min readAug 31, 2021

Cuz She…

Cuz she lifts me up and guides my way

The road ahead may be tough to see

But lights right up when she's next to me

Obstacles strewn both here and there

Scare me not within her care

My mind comes back if led astray

Cuz she lifts me up and guides my way

Hand in hand we brave the weather

Always fine when were together

Sharing good times and some bad

They're still the best we've ever had

Making sense of disarray

Cuz she lifts me up and guides my way

Dreamy dreams we dream a lot

Of places cold and sometimes hot

We've come so far both her and I

Four arms stretched out to touch the sky

And who's to tell how far we'll go

The only word ignored is "slow"

Just tell me where, I'll say ok

Cuz she lifts me up and guides my way

Many stories still left to write

Imaginations taking flight

Adventures right around the bend

Picture postcards with a friend

Though comfort too sits here at home

For when we get too tired to roam

Lay us down now side by each

And gaze at stars we've yet to reach

There's not much else I have to say

Cuz she lifts me up and guides my way…

Jeff Riddall

Husband and father of two kidults with a head full of random words and such. Lover of sports, beer, food, long walks & dogs; not necessarily in this order.